Certificate, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

B.A., M. Litt., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Selected for Art Cart: Saving The Legacy

Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant

Artists Fellowship Grant, New York Foundation for the Arts, Sculpture

Supporting Grant, Art Matters, Inc.

Penny McCall Foundation Grant

Visiting Artist Project Grant, Texas Christian University and the Pangburn Foundation

Visual Artists Project Grant, New York State Council on the Arts (sponsoring organization: Just Above Midtown)

"Matter Over Mind,"


"Matter Over Mind," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Art Loisida Foundation, New York Public Library, Ottendorfer Branch,New York, New York


"Hardwick Street Residency Exhibition," Glatt/Cinquemani Courtyard Gallery, Dallas, Texas


Moments,"  curated by Ellie Covan and Katy Einerson, Dixon Place, New York, NY

Wall bas-relief installation, commissioned by Ellie Covan, Director, Dixon Place, New York, NY

“‘Cement Cookie’ Mail-Art Project,” from NY to TX, FLA, MA, and NY

One-person show, curated by Maggie Martin, Director, The ART Mission, Binghamton, NY

"Recent Work," D.U.M.B.O. Art Under The Bridge (open studio show), 68 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY

"Recent Work," curated by Harriet Hearne, Cedar Valley College Gallery, Lancaster, TX

Stage artwork, curated by Aaron Mason, The Magic Lantern Company, New York, NY

"After Charles Burchfield, New Works by Gilda Pervin," The Burchfield-Penney Art Center, Buffalo, NY

"A House Is Not A Home," curated by Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, Dixon Place, New York, NY

"Slice," window installation, curated by Holly Block, Art in General, New York, NY

"Outside/Inside," installation, Long Island University, Southampton Campus, NY

"Health, Wealth, and Posterity: A Texas Sit-Down," Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX

"The Manhattan Project," fifty-two sites on Manhattan streets, 1982-1983 (supported by Visual Artists Project Grant, New York State Council on the Arts)

One-person show, 500 Exposition Gallery, Dallas, TX

One-person show, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX



"Errand Into The Maze," curated by Arthur Bruso and Raymond E. Mingst, Art House Productions Gallery, Jersey City, NJ

“Platteclove 2007 Art Festival,” curated by Sylvie Degiez and Wayne Lopes, The Other Gallery, Platteclove, NY

"Inaugural Exhibition," four-person show, Penny Liebmann Contemporary Art, New York, NY

Four-person show, curated by Connie Butler, Artists Space, New York, NY (sponsored by Mark Rothko Foundation)

"Wall Works," two-person exhibition with Claudia DeMonte, New School Gallery, New York, NY

"Five in Texas," curated by Marti Mayo, Contemporary Art Museum of Houston, 500 Exposition Gallery, Dallas, TX

Two-person exhibition with Becky Newsom, Mattingly Baker Gallery, Dallas, TX



"Migration," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY

"Loft Law," curated by James Cavello, Photographs by Joshua Charow, Westwood Gallery, New York, NY

"What happened to our tenderness?", curated by Sara Zielinski, The Active Space, Brooklyn, NY


"Crisis," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY

"All Tomorrow's Gardens," curated by George Hirose and Kerri Lindstrom, E V Gallery, New York, NY


Inclusion in exhibit "Agosto Machado: The Forbidden City," Gordon Robichaux Gallery, New York, NY


"Bowery Resident Artists and Homeless Street Artists," eight person show, produced by Inside Change from Within, supported by NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and grant from Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, 6th Street Garden, New York, NY

"Just act normal, that's already crazy enough," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY

"Surviving Covid," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY


"Renaissance Alive LES 25," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY


"Art Is Resistance," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY


"New Works," curated by Carolyn Radcliffe, Art Loisaida Foundation, Theater for the New City, New York, NY

"Unreliable Narrator," curated by Arthur Bruso and Raymond E. Mingst, Art House Production Gallery, Jersey City, NJ


"The Warmth of Winter," curated by Dee Shapiro, The National Arts Club, New York, NY

"Life Matters," curated by Carolyn Ratcliffe, Theater for the New City, New York, NY

"Vanishing Point," curated by Arthur Bruso and Raymond E. Mingst, Art House Production Gallery, Jersey City, NJ


"Terra Incognita," curated by Arthur Bruso and Raymond E. Mingst, Curious Matter Gallery, Jersey City, NJ

"Cherishing The Legacy," curated by Pamela Jean Tinnen, New York University, Stovell Gallery, New York, NY

"A Time In Arcadia," curated by Arthur Bruso and Raymond E. Mingst, Curious Matter Gallery, Jersey City, NJ

"Art From Dross," curated by Karen Shaw, Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY

"The Fool's Journey," curated by Arthur Bruso and Raymond E. Mingst, Curious Matter Gallery, Jersey City, NJ

"Oh, The Places You'll Go," curated by Sharon R. Reaves, Communilife, NY, NY

"Between the Lines," curated by Sharon R. Reaves, WHEDco/Urban Horizons,
New York, NY

Gallery Show, Platteclove Gallery, curated by Sylvie Degiez, Platteclove, NY

"From Another Realm: Surreal Inclinations of Art,"
curated by Nancy Weekly, Burchfield Penny Art Center, Buffalo, NY

“Timeless: The Art of Drawing,” curated by Ann Aptaker, Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ

“Home Grown: Americana,” The Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, New Jersey

“Repairing The World: Contemporary Ritual Art,” The Jewish Museum, New York, NY

“Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts NewYork Alumni Club Exhibition,” Brooklyn, NY

“New York, New York: Visions of the City,” Art at First, New York, NY

“Jailhouse Revival,” curated by Matt Gosser, New Jersey’s School of Architecture, NJIT, Newark, NJ

“The Diligent Hand,” curated by Bruce Zeines, Gallery 64, Brooklyn, NY

“Box Show,” curated by Kiyoshi Ike, Concepto Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

“East Village and Lower East Side Artists 2003 – An Exhibit,”
 HOWL! Festival and FEVA, FusionArts Museum, NY, NY

"The DUMBO Art Expo," Ten Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY

"Over the Ocean," curated by Biggi Vinkeloe, Roda Sten, Gothenburg, Sweden

"Art in Boxes: Hers and His Stories," curated by H. N. Tu, The Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, NJ

“The Bead and Beyond,” curated by Catherine Valenza, Dowling College, Oakdale, NY

"20x500," curated by Randall Garrett,
500X Gallery, Dallas, TX

"Burchfield's Influences," curated by Nancy Weekly, Burchfield-Penney Art Center, Buffalo, NY

"First Gramercy International Art Fair," Penny Liebmann Contemporary Art, Miami, FL

"If the Shoe Fits ...," curated by Ellen Levin and Ron Morosan, FAO Gallery, New York, NY

“The Art Exchange Show,” 60 Broad Street, New York, NY

"New Works on Paper," Penny Liebmann Contemporary Art, New York, NY

"Transformations: Domestic Curiosities," curated by Candace Tauber and Nancy Warner, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY

"Split Level," curated by Lisa Davis and Sally Heller, Art in General, New York, NY

"Objects and Domestic Display," curated by Betti-Sue Hertz, Longwood Arts Gallery, Bronx, NY

"IN-SITES," curated by Ellen Wexler, Henry Street Settlement, New York, NY

"Culture and Continuity: The Jewish Journey," curated by Emily Bilski, The Jewish Museum, New York, NY

"Red, Gray & Blue," curated by Tim Yohn, 450 Broadway Gallery, New York, NY

"500X at 15," curated by Tom Sime, 500 X Gallery, Dallas, TX

"Women's Art, Women's Lives, Women's Issues," curated by Janet Henry and Bea Kreloff, Tweed Gallery, New York, NY

"The Stories Exhibit: Art Beyond Words," curated by Vernita Nemec, Henry Street Settlement, New York, NY

"Sculpture Tour," curated by Dennis Peacock and LeeAnn Mitchell, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

"Red, Gray and Blue," curated by Mary Malott, Tim Yohn, and Ron Morosan, B4A Gallery, New York, NY

"Urban Jungle," curated by Robert Costa and Maggie Ens, Gallery Saireido, New York, NY

"The Night of the Empire Purim Ball," The Jewish Museum, New York, NY

"Top of the Ninth," curated by Sydney Waller, Gallery 53 Artworks, Cooperstown, NY

"Theater of the Object," curated by Fran Hodes and S. Rauschenbusch for Women's Caucus for Art, Marymount Manhattan College, NY

"Fanciful/Functional," curated by Marilyn Goodman, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

"Variations on a Theme," Gallery of Functional Art, Santa Monica, CA

"Dross to Art," installation, curated by Karen Shaw, Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY

Group show, Robinson Gallery, Houston, TX

"Art in the Anchorage," installation, sponsored by Creative Time, Inc., Anchorage of the Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, NY

"The New York Eye," Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

"Jazzy," curated by Sydney Waller and Gretchen Sorin, Gallery 53, Cooperstown, NY

"Art Furniture," curated by Michael E. Thomas, Galleries of the Crescent, Dallas, TX

"Basic Needs," curated by Karen Shaw, Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY

"Eccentric Furniture," Allen Stone Gallery, New York, NY

"Getting Off," curated by Carolyn Louise Newhouse and Dale Goodwin, Civilian Warfare Gallery, New York, NY

"Eastvillage Funktional," curated by Roland Hagenberg, Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY

"20 Women," curated by Eve Zimmerman, Phenix City Art Gallery, New York, NY

"Precious: An American Cottage Industry of the Eighties," curated by Thomas Sokolowski, Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University, New York, NY

"Art and Ego," sponsored by Panarts, 419 Lafayette Street, New York, NY

"On Relief," 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York, NY

"Art and the Suburban Experience," curated by Anthony Clementi, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, NY

"Partitions," curated by Ellen Schwartz, Pratt Manhattan Center, New York, NY, and Pratt Institute Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

"The Monument Redefined, Gowanus Annual II," Brooklyn, NY

"Cross Country," Nexus, Foundation for Today's Art, Philadelphia, PA

"Joint Forces: Artist, Community & Museum," curated by Enrico Giordano, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY

"Approach/Avoidance: Art in the Obsessive Idiom," curated by Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, Queens Museum, Flushing, NY

"Off the Wall: Installations and Environments," curated by Sally Booth-Meredith, San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio,TX

"American Women Artists: 1980," curated by Glenna Park and Mary Dritschel, Museu De Arte Contemporanea, Sao Paolo, Brazil


AT&T Collection, Chicago, IL
Burchfield-Penny Art Center, Buffalo, NY
Communilife, New York, NY
Dixon Place, New York, NY
Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ
Old Jail Art Center, Albany, TX
QCC Art Gallery, Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY
SoBRO (South Bronx Overall Financial Development Organization), Bronx, NY
Surdna Foundation, New York, NY
Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX
The ART Mission, Binghamton, NY
The Jewish Museum, New York, NY
The Noyes Museum, Oceanville, NJ
The Roda Sten, Gothenburg, Sweden
WHEDCO, New York, NY


2015- present  Creative Center, University Settlement, NY, NY

2014-2023  Parsons, The New School University, New York, NY

1982-2014 The New School for Public Engagement, The New School University, New York, NY

2011-2012 International Rescue Committee, New York, NY

1988-1989 Mini-College Program, City College of New York

1987-1988 Pratt Manhattan Center, New York, NY

1986-1988 New Jersey School of the Arts, Montclair, NJ

1975-1981 Richland College, Dallas, TX