Wall Sculpture 2
Gilda Pervin  Burlap, rafia, plastic grass, coal, plastic tigers, plastic spider, plastic ladybug, matte medium, paint
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 4
"It's A Wild World" (detail)
Burlap, rafia, plastic grass, coal, plastic tigers, plastic spider, plastic ladybug, matte medium, paint
detail of 15" x 16" x 5" deep
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Acrylic paint, twine, wire, twigs, found objects, cement backing
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 6
" '...round and round...' for Karen"
Acrylic paint, twine, wire, twigs, found objects, cement backing
c. 12" diameter x 4"
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Acrylic paint chips, cement backing
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 8
"For Miriam"
Acrylic paint chips, cement backing
c. 11 diameter x 4"

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Burlap, acrylica paint, found objects, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 10
"Garden Life"
Burlap, acrylica paint, found objects, on wood
12" x 17" x 6-1/2"
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Burlap, acrylica paint, found objects, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 12
"Garden Life" side view
Burlap, acrylica paint, found objects, on wood
12" x 17" x 6-1/2"

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Acrylic paint and graphite
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 14
"River Goddess"
Acrylic paint and graphite
5-1/2" x 7" x 1/2"
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Acrylic paint, found objects, bird forms, cement backing
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 16
"Round About"
Acrylic paint, found objects, bird forms, cement backing
c. 12" diameter 4"

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Acrylic paint, found objects, netting, bird forms, cement backing
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 18
"Casting Nets"
Acrylic paint, found objects, netting, bird forms, cement backing
7" x 10" irregular diameter X 3"
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Burlap, rafia, plastic grass, coal, plastic tigers, plastic spider, plastic ladybug, matte medium, paint
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 20
"It's a wild world"
Burlap, rafia, plastic grass, coal, plastic tigers, plastic spider, plastic ladybug, matte medium, paint
15" x 16" x 5" deep

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Burlap, rafia, plastic grass, coal, plastic tigers, plastic spider, plastic ladybug, matte medium, paint
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 22
"It's A Wild World" (detail)
Burlap, rafia, plastic grass, coal, plastic tigers, plastic spider, plastic ladybug, matte medium, paint
detail of 15" x 16" x 5" deep
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Burlap, embroidery hoops, Portland cement, sand, coarse sand aggregate, acrylic medium, acrylic paint, grape stems, rafia, plastic grass, glitter, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 24
"A Tisket A Tasket Rush No More"
Burlap, embroidery hoops, Portland cement, sand, coarse sand aggregate, acrylic medium, acrylic paint, grape stems, rafia, plastic grass, glitter, on wood
21" x 31" x 15" deep

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Burlap, embroidery hoops, Portland cement, sand, coarse sand aggregate, acrylic medium, acrylic paint, grape stems, rafia, plastic grass, glitter, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 26
"A Tisket A Tasket Rush No More" (detail left hoop)
Burlap, embroidery hoops, Portland cement, sand, coarse sand aggregate, acrylic medium, acrylic paint, grape stems, rafia, plastic grass, glitter, on wood
detail of 21" x 31" x 15" deep
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Portland cement, sand, acrylic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 28
"Wired 4"
Portland cement, sand, acrylic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
15" x 40" x 9"

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Portland cement, sand, acrylic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 30
"Wired 3"
Portland cement, sand, acrylic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
13" x 18" x 7"
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Portland cement, sand, acrlic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 32
"Wired 2"
Portland cement, sand, acrlic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
12" x 13" x 4"

Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Portland cement, sand,acrylic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 34
"Wired 1"
Portland cement, sand,acrylic paint, pigment, wire, on wood
6-1/2" x 5-3/4" x 2"
Gilda Pervin Wall Sculpture 2 Portland cement, sand, acrylic paint, on wood
Wall Sculpture ,  article artwork image 36
"123 Dark Side"
Portland cement, sand, acrylic paint, on wood
Bottom: 11-1/2" x 12-1/2" x 2-1/2" Middle: 11-1/2" x 12-1/2" x 3" Top: 11-1/2" x 12-1/2" x 2"